Keep your machine running at peak performance

When you buy a Wayne Automation machine, you do so with the confidence that Wayne Automation can support all of your post-purchase needs. Wayne Automation offers the following to keep your machine running at its absolute best.

Field Service – Wayne has a team of dedicated field service technicians standing by ready to support you. Follow the link to request Field Service

Parts Ordering – Wayne Automation stocks a full complement of parts to service the machines we build. Follow the link to request a parts quotation

Upgrades – Wayne Automation is constantly refining its designs to make the best equipment possible. A number of these improvements are available as upgrades for previously fielded machines. Check on the available upgrades.

Refurbishment – Wayne Automation offers a full refurbishment capability to our customers. We provide a range of services that include restoration to original specifications, controls system upgrades and servo motion conversions. Contact the Wayne Automation team to find out how we can help you.


We look forward to helping you and sharing our knowledge with you.

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