Does Your End-of-Line Process Need a Reliable Partition Inserter?

Get our free guide to high-speed partition inserters first.

Don’t pick a partition inserter for your business’ packaging systems until you’ve picked up your complimentary copy of Wayne Automation’s downloadable eBook, Partition Inserters: What You Need to Know.

This comprehensive and convenient guide will help you determine exactly what your end-of-line processes need from a partition opener and inserter. It will also help you choose the machine that will deliver the dependable, high-speed performance on which your workflow depends.

Your free PDF download includes:

  • A thorough introduction to (or refresher on) partition composition and purpose, and how these fundamentals affect your choice of equipment.
  • A detailed description of the many varieties of partitions—both pre-assembled, collapsed partitions and assemble-in-place partitions—so you understand your options.
  • A list of key questions to answer before you shop for a partition inserter, to ensure you invest as wisely as possible in your new machinery.

Fill out this form now for instant access to your complimentary copy of Partition Inserters: What You Need to Know.

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Years Of experience

// Beverage Packaging

Big Beverage Company Selects 7 "Top of the Line" Wayne Partition Inserters

When the company switched to bulk glass, they needed a fast and reliable partition inserter to prepare cases for bottle transfer. Wayne Automation’s top of the line quality and service ensured the process was integrated seamlessly and with minimal downtime.


When switching to bulk glass, this company needed a fast, efficient, and safe process for bottle transfer.


As of 2021, Wayne has provided ten partition inserter machines, and the company and operators love it.

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