T-Tooling Quick Change Inserter Heads

Industry defining changeovers.


Setting the standard by which all other changeovers are measured

T-Bar Tooling represents the pinnacle of rapid changeover tooling and has made the SF-400 family of partitions inserters the industry leaders. The T-Tooling is a complete inserter head that can be rapidly exchanged from the machine. No longer are time-consuming and awkward adjustments required in the machine to prepare for changeover. Instead T-Tools can be preconfigured for your various partition products and exchanged in a matter of minutes. Changeover between multicell, glued-in A, or Z partitions is as simple as releasing the pneumatic locks on the operator interface, disconnecting a pair of quick disconnects from the T-Bar, and exchanging it with the next tool for the product you want to run. Ask our sales team to show you how quick and easy your changeovers can be.

T-Tools are effortlessly exchanged using a single operator

Having a quick change T-Tool is of little benefit if there isn’t an effortless means to handle and store the tools. Wayne Automation has it covered. Up to four tools can be stored on a single wheeled T-Tool storage cart. The cart provides the ideal means to store your various T-Tools when not in use. Caster wheels allow you to put the cart where you want without it becoming a permanent part of your floor plan.

Tools are easily removed from the machine and exchanged on the storage cart using the T-Tool lift cart. This pneumatically-operated lifting cart allows a single person to safely and securely manipulate a T-Bar between the machine and storage rack – no heavy lifting required. A pneumatically-operated safety latch allows the operator to positively lock the tool to the cart during installation and removal, providing a safe handling environment.

Service multiple machines with a single T-Tool set

T-Tools are interchangeable between machines of the same style. Gain the flexibility of moving your various tooling between Wayne Automation machines, allowing you to cut down on redundant tooling across multiple identical machines on a single line.

T-Tools are easily configured for your future products

Wayne Automation will setup your T-Bar Tooling to run the products you specify. When your product lines change in the future, setting up your T-Tool is simple and straightforward. While on the storage cart, the T-Tool gear boxes can easily be adjusted and aligned to accommodate a new product. All of this is done off of the machine, so setting up a T-Bar for a new product doesn’t impact your machine up-time.




Years Of experience

// Beverage Packaging

Big Beverage Company Selects 7 "Top of the Line" Wayne Partition Inserters

When the company switched to bulk glass, they needed a fast and reliable partition inserter to prepare cases for bottle transfer. Wayne Automation’s top of the line quality and service ensured the process was integrated seamlessly and with minimal downtime.


When switching to bulk glass, this company needed a fast, efficient, and safe process for bottle transfer.


As of 2021, Wayne has provided ten partition inserter machines, and the company and operators love it.


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