//Our Product

SF-400 Enhanced: Partitions Over Product

Wayne Automation offers partition packing solutions for partitions over products and other equipment.

SF-400 Enhanced: Partitions Over Product

A History of Performance

The SF-400 Partition Inserter family is the industry standard for fast, reliable partition insertion. The Partitions Over Product enhancement builds from our industry-leading partition packing technology, and adds a high-performance filled-case conveyor handling system, allowing users to put partitions over products into already packed cases.

Unrivaled Partition Handling

Hi Akram can I have these images please: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/wine-bottles-carton-box-close-777231892Reliability is the name of the game. Preassembled collapsed partitions are subject to interlocking among cells and other defects during manufacturing, bundling, and transport processes. Interlocked partitions can create failed inserts. As the cell count goes up, the likelihood of these problems increases.

To combat this scenario, Wayne Automation uses multiple sets of opposed vacuum cups, opening the partition with as many as six opposed vacuum arms and 12 vacuum cups. Having positive control over all the pieces of the partition gives a Wayne Automation partition inserter machine the ability to overcome the most common defects found in the partition materials.

Competing solutions use a few cups and open from a single side of the partition, resulting in minimal paper control and compromised machine performance.

Superb Case Management

Wayne Automation SF-400 EBU Partition InserterOpening the partition is only half the battle. Getting it into the case is just as critical. This is yet another area where Wayne Automation stands apart.

In the case of a regular slotted carton (RSC) with four flaps standing up, Wayne has a powered grid gate system that positively manages these flaps and holds them open to ensure there is no interference with the partition to be inserted. This is especially critical when the case has already been packed and could have suffered flap damage during the packing process. Competing solutions lack these powered gates, instead relying on complex robotic insertion motions and costly customizations for partitions and cases.

In addition to managing the flaps of the carton, Wayne Automation adds dedicated partition guides that ensure correct placement every time. These work even when dealing with half-slotted cartons with no flaps, low wall trays, or display trays with varying cutouts and features.

Our servo-assisted powered case conveyor provides fast yet gentle handling of your product while awaiting partitions. This is especially important with high-shouldered wine and spirits bottles, as rough handling can result in label scuff, bottle damage, or worse. Using a servo-controlled escapement, we maneuver the cases into the partition inserter machine rapidly and provide a smooth deceleration to a positive stop.

Positive Partition Placement, Every Time

When placing partitions over products, there is the added challenge of fully seating the partition. To do this, Wayne Automation has built upon its industry-leading quick change inserter head ‘T-Tooling’. This tool now has the capability to positively and completely push the partition down over the product and below the case top score line. This eliminates the need for vibratory tables to shake the partition (and your product) into its final position. Our reliable placements ensure packed cases can enter your case sealer with complete reliability.

Quick Change Tooling: Endless Partition Configurations and Repeatable Changeovers

Wayne Automation SF-400 Partition Inserter, similar to the Enhanced SF 400.The Wayne Automation quick change ‘T-Tooling’ system features removable heads that are exchanged in as little as two minutes to manage different partition styles. Preconfigured by partition style and equipped with optional RFID tooling confirmation, changeovers are simple and repeatable.

Further, the Wayne Automation T-Tool system allows for a nearly endless array of partition configurations for your equipment, including multicell 12, 18, 24 counts, 6 packs in ‘A’ or air cell configuration, H-Beams, Z- Partitions, Pads, and just about any other interpack requirement you could have.

T-Tools can be added over the life of the partition inserter machine, allowing you to quickly and cost-effectively re-tool your capabilities for emerging needs.

Intuitive Controls for Today’s Manufacturing Environment

Every Wayne machine features an intuitive 10” touchscreen HMI, VPN remote access point, and detailed change log in the machine, allowing users and managers to closely track the performance of the machine and HMI inputs. Building from these included features is an optional machine monitoring package that includes extensive sensor monitoring and logging to provide granular data for use in predictive maintenance, RFID change tooling verification, and RFID badge access and logging for the ultimate in process control.

Contact Us to Find Your Partition Inserter Machine

Contact Wayne Automation today to discover the ideal solution for your partition inserter machine. Whether you need partitions over products or a more traditional solution, our team is here to help you excel in your industry with the best automated packaging equipment.

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Don’t see your partition style? Contact us!





• Speeds to 25cpm
• Inserts One Partition Per Cycle
• Easy Load Magazines
• Lexan® Safety Doors with Allen Bradley Anti-Intrusion Switches
• Rugged MIG Welded Rectangular Steel Frame
• Wide Range of Partition Sizes and Styles in Corrugated or Solid Fiber
• T-Tooling Available for Rapid Job Changes


• AB PLC with PanelView™ Color Touch Screen HMI
• Nordson Hot Melt Glue System (for glued-in partition styles)




Years Of experience

// Beverage Packaging

Sierra Nevada Gets A Case Sealer And A Partner

When Sierra Nevada Brewing needed to rapidly assemble uneven cases, but couldn’t risk excessive downtime or redundant machines, they relied on Wayne Automation’s reputation for unmatched quality and dedicated service.


Sierra Nevada Brewing needed an efficient and rugged system to facilitate shipping out of their Mills River location.


Wayne Automation supplied a case erector and sealer, basing the setup off Wayne’s work at their sister brewery in Chico, CA.


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