//Our Product

WSTS Slitter / Top Sealer

Tab slitting and case sealing on one small footprint.

WSTS Slitter / Top Sealer

Tab slitting and case sealing on one small footprint.


Automatically slit tabs + fold flaps + seal cases on one compact system

The WSTS Slitter / Top Sealer from Wayne Automation combines the sealing needs of tablock case users. The system, built on the platform of Wayne’s field-proven Case Sealers, has a module added to the front to slit the tabs before flap folding and sealing the cases at speeds up to 20 cpm. While most slitter / sealer systems take up more floor space than many packaging facilities can accommodate, the small footprint of the WSTS can easily fit into any packaging operation.

A must for those buying their empty containers in reshippers

If you are purchasing your empty bottles in pre-packed cases (reshippers), these cases usually have folded-back top flaps held open with tabs called Tab-Lok (or Tablock) Cases. Once you fill, cap, and label the bottles and re-load them into the reshipper case, you’re faced with the time-consuming task of hand cutting the tabs, folding the flaps, and sealing the cases in preparation for shipping or storage.

The WSTS is the ideal automated solution for any packaging operation buying their bottles in reshippers including Craft Brewers, Distillers, and Artisian Wineries.

Flexibility to seal more than tab-lok cases

Wayne Automation believes your equipment should conform to your packaging needs, and not the other way around. While designed to slit the tabs on Tab-Lok cases prior to sealing, the slitting module can be turned off so the top sealer can also accommodate RSC and HSC (in the pass-through mode).

The WSTS is available in tape or hot melt models. The tape sealer can handle 2- and 3-inch widths from multiple tape-head manufacturers. The hot melt model is available in a range of melter sizes from multiple suppliers. Optionally the adhesive can be applied to either the minor flaps or on the major flaps, keeping the adhesive away from your product.

Wayne Automation takes safety seriously

Standard on Wayne Automation Case Sealers are Lexan doors equipped with anti-intrusion switches that give you an unobstructed view of the machine function. Remote emergency and cycle stop stations are located around the machine and the status is displayed on the main operator panel.


Tablock & Regular Slotted Container (RSC)



• Hot Melt or Tape Sealing
• Servo Flap Folder
• Lexan® Safety Doors with Allen Bradley Anti-Intrusion Switches
• Rugged MIG Welded Rectangular Steel Frame
• Handles Tab-Lok, RSC, and HSC (pass-through mode)
• Built to NEMA-12 Standard
• VFD Conveyor Drives
• Rapid Changeover Between Sizes (<10 Minute Quick Changeover)


• AB PLC with PanelView™ Color Touch Screen HMI
• Tape in 2″ or 3″ Widths. Tape Heads Available from Multiple Manufacturers
• Hot Melt on Major or Minor Flaps. Melter Models Available from Multiple Manufacturers




Years Of experience

// Food Packaging

Wayne Builds Custom Automated Packaging Solutions for Metal Edge

Metal Edge needed a company to customize its Bench Model Edger (BME) into an Automatic Bench Model Edger (ABME).


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