//Our Product

RPS-LR Automatic Case Sealer

The RPS–LR is the newest and most comprehensive Top Sealer from Wayne Automation’s family of quality case sealing equipment. This innovative Auto-Adjust case sealer can run a greater variety of RSC case styles and sizes than other machines of this class. The RPS–LR encompasses the Wayne Design and Manufacturing process which delivers the reliability and value customers have experienced throughout the years.

RPS-LR Automatic Case Sealer

Handles an extensive range of case sizes with fully automated changeover.


Quick changeover

The RPS-LR is a high speed top sealer deployed with either Hot Melt Glue or Tape. The case sealer utilizes servo technology to automate the case changeover process (20 second changeovers), and handles a large range of case sizes from the smallest 5″ x 6″ x 4″ to the largest size 25″ x 20″ x 20″.

Powered flap folding

The RPS-LR employs servo technology in the Major Flap Opening and Folding functions versus pneumatic actuators, and an adjustment motor for independent height adjustments. The Minor Flap Retaining Ski is also motorized for independent adjustments. Handling small case sizes can be difficult so the RPS-LR case sealer utilizes gear motor drive traction rollers to assist small, lightweight cases to transfer from the infeed belt to the fold flap belt.

Easy push-button product changes on HMI

All of the changeovers are automated which allows for product specific positioning, and are driven from product recipes.

The perfect companion

The WLRV-CE Case Erector is the ideal mate to the RPS-LR Case Sealer. Both systems can handle a wide range of case sizes and offer fully automated changeover.

The RPS-LR delivers value

The capabilities of the RPS-LV provide customers with a VALUE proposition unmatched in the market today as production demands continue to grow to deliver multiple product sizes. Hence, the need for quick changeovers and reduced labor to operate the production runs.



• Handles a Wide Array of Case Sizes
• Speeds Dependent on Case Geometry
• Rugged Construction with Heavy-wall Rectangular Tubing and MIG Welded Frame
• Powered Major Flap Folders to Close a Wide Range of Flap Sizes
• Lexan Safety Doors


• Microprocessor with Panelview Color HMI
• Hot Melt Gluer
• 3″ Tape Applicator
• Built to NEMA-12 Standard




Years Of experience

// Beverage Packaging

Big Beverage Company Selects 7 "Top of the Line" Wayne Partition Inserters

When the company switched to bulk glass, they needed a fast and reliable partition inserter to prepare cases for bottle transfer. Wayne Automation’s top of the line quality and service ensured the process was integrated seamlessly and with minimal downtime.


When switching to bulk glass, this company needed a fast, efficient, and safe process for bottle transfer.


As of 2021, Wayne has provided ten partition inserter machines, and the company and operators love it.


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